For schools & colleges
Informative sessions to inspire and support your students
If you have students who need more intensive support with university choices or applications, these tailor-made sessions can offer the additional support to enable students to fulfil their potential. All sessions are altered to meet the specific needs of your students, their aspirations and their stage in the application process. These sessions can cover both traditional university applications and alternative routes such as degree apprenticeships or part-time routes.
Lindsey Smith is experienced in supporting students from all backgrounds and with specialist requirements ranging from Oxbridge applicants to young parents. Lindsey completed a masters focused on white working-class boys and has a particular affinity for working with young people who are care experienced.
Our engaging, informative and impartial talks cover topics such as:
Choosing the right university course
Writing an outstanding personal statement that showcases skills
The just in case session; UCAS Extra, Clearing and developing a back-up plan
Student finance and budgeting
Study skills for independent learning
Parents events
Alta Higher parent events aim to equip parents with the knowledge they need to support their child’s progression into higher education. Topics include higher education courses and employability, student finance, supporting study skills and a practical guide to your child starting uni.
Continuing professional development
These sessions will support staff teams to write excellent teacher references to effectively support students’ UCAS applications and aid understanding of the UCAS process as a whole. These bespoke sessions can be adapted to meet the specific needs and experience of your team, whether they are new to supporting university applications or simply want frank insider insight to help applications stand out.